Been Around Before Store​
Opening Hours:
9:30 am-4:30 pm: Monday-Friday
9:30 am-12 noon: Saturday
The Apollos Charitable Foundation Trust was founded by the St Paul's Presbyterian Church in Katikati, as a fundraising arm for the church and other charities. It runs, among other projects, a second-hand clothing and apparel shop at the north end of the main street, under the name 'BABS'. The shop sells well-presented clean stock, along with other items to entice the discerning buyer to come and browse. The shop is open Monday to Friday and Saturday mornings.
St Paul's works in conjunction with the Katikati Foodbank. Requests for parcels can be left at the office and they will be forwarded to the Foodbank for assessment.
Lexam Park and Summerset Visits
On the third Sunday of every month, we visit the homes for the elderly in our community for fellowship where we deliver the gospel and sing a few songs. We meet at Lexam Park 1:30 and at Summerset by the Sea at 2:30pm. Anyone is welcome in joining us at any time.
Pancake Thursdays
On Thursday mornings before school, we provide pancakes at the Anglican Church next to KKC as part of the Katikati Collective Church Community Projects outreach. We always need more helpers. Please let us know if you would like to get involved.