meetings & services
Sunday Service
10:00 am: Partake
11:15 am: Process
Following the 10:00 am service is a process time for further questions and reflections on the mornings sermon.
Combined Church's Service
7:00 pm: Sunday
Meet the last Sunday of the month at a different Church on a rotating basis.
Prayer on Tuesday
9:30 am: Tuesday
Meet Tuesday morning in St Paul's Church Lounge.
Men's Prayer Breakfast
7:30 am: Saturday
Meet the first Saturday of the month in St Paul's Church Lounge.
Prayer Meeting
9:30 am: Sunday
Meet early Sunday morning before the Worship Service in St Paul's Church Chapel.
Prayer Meeting
11:00 am: Sunday
Meet after the Sunday morning Worship Service in St Paul's Church Chapel.
Sunday School
10:00 am: Sunday.
We meet in the Sunday School Room, every week.
HisYouth @ St Paul's
7pm - 9pm: Fridays
Year 9 - 13 youth.
Meet every Friday evening during local College term dates at St Paul's Church.
Session Meeting
Meet once a month on the second Tuesday at St Paul's Church.
Board of Managers Meeting
Meet once a month on the third Monday at St Paul's Church.